Lookup table

Looks up a value in a table.

Add Row designer


Add Row properties


  1. Case Insensitive Use "case insensitive search" to lookup the value.
  2. Lookup Value The value to be checked in the table. Can be a partial value.
  3. Table The table where to search the value.
  4. UseContains Checks a cell contains the value instead of an exact match.

General Properties#

See General Properties.

Lookup Column#

  1. Column Index The index of the column to be checked.
  2. Column Name The name of the column to be checked. When column name is specified, column index is ignored.


See Misc.

Out Error#

See Out Error.


  1. Cell Value The value of the cell found.
  2. Column Index The index of the column found.
  3. Column Name The name of the column found.
  4. Row Index The index of the row where the value was found.